About The Exhibition
WALLonWALL is a global photographic exhibition about walls that separate people worldwide photographed by award winning artist Kai Wiedenhöfer. The exhibition will be installed on Cupar Way, Belfast, from 27th September to the 11th November. The exhibition will mark 50 years since the building of the first Peace Line in Belfast, and 30 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Belfast Exposed’s galleries, which focus on both local and internationally renowned artists, is thrilled to be supporting Kai’s exhibition WALLonWALL. We are working alongside the Shankill Partnership who have been instrumental in bringing this exhibition to the city. WALLonWALL ties in with the current exhibitions on show in our galleries, which form part of a project that explores the impact of Peace Walls and Peace Lines since the first wall was erected in Belfast 50 years ago.