Belfast Exposed


5th Sep - 28th Sep

We Love Dogs!

Open Submission - Call for work.Celebrate your four-legged furry friends with us by sending in high quality photographs o...

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4th Jul - 24th Aug


Belfast Exposed will play host to a specially commissioned exhibition by the Queer Artist Forum, a group of local lens-based ...

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25th Sep - 7th Oct

Young People Behind the Lens

Over the summer, a group of young people from Start 360 explored the cityscape of Belfast. They found new ways to see the...

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21st May - 22nd May

Showing the faces of dementia with Alzheimer’s NI

Ahead of the Alzheimer’s Society Annual Conference 2019 (ASAC19), Belfast Exposed was commissioned by Alzheimer’s NI to w...

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A Conversation Ensued, Nobody Said A Word

Gallery 2

5th Aug 2021 to 28th Aug 2021

About The Exhibition

Belfast Exposed presents ‘A Conversation Ensued, Nobody Said A Word’, a duo exhibition by Colin Darke and Yvonne Kennan. The exhibition explores two individual interpreters with pre-existing concerns, interests and concepts considering and replying to the others. The interaction develops, grows, common ground is found, differences are highlighted, fleshed out and analysed, acknowledged, and the conversation continues. Each image is a response to the last, or the many before as the conversation continues, and sometimes pre-empting what is to come.

Both artists have stepped away from their individual practice to collaborate on a body of work that can be viewed both critically and whimsically. Much of the work has external cultural influence and makes reference to many along the way. Some of those making the line up from the theoretical/literary corner are de Lautréamont, Brecht, Goethe, Barthes and Kafka. Representatives of the visual entries include Man Ray, Joseph Kosuth, Dan Flavin, Louis le Brocquy and perhaps Narcissus. For our aural pleasure, we have contributions from Tom Waits and Genesis (Peter Gabriel era), among others. The award for all-rounders goes to Sergei Eisenstein, Dziga Vertov and of course Steven Spielberg. Naturally none of the above can be ultimately categorised. These however are merely veins that run through the artists’ interior worlds. We present our images as glimpses, instances, moments, chances. We take it out now, beyond the artist and expose it. This is what we present to you, a snapshot into the light.

"This collaborative exhibition by two of Northern Ireland's top contemporary artists reveals a wealth of treasures to thrill, excite and provoke audiences to delve deeper into the mind of the artists to question the rationale of their response to each other. Wonderful, exciting and engaging photographs, a must-see show" - Deirdre Robb, Chief Executive, Belfast Exposed

The Artists

Colin Darke Yvonne Kennan
Artist Biography

Colin Darke studied at Goldsmiths College and moved from London to Ireland in 1988. His engagement in visual arts has included writing for various publications and occasional curating, including for Derry’s Void in its early years, having been a part of the team which founded the gallery in 2005. He has exhibited widely since the early nineties, with group shows including Manifesta 3 (Ljubljana, 2000), Venice Biennale (2003), Busan Biennale (2004), Labour & Wait (Santa Barbara Museum of Art, 2013), Everything Must Go, Glucksman, 2015. He has held solo shows in Canada, Italy, Britain and Ireland, including Grotesque Mediocrity at Belfast’s MAC in 2014. He was awarded the VAI/Suki Art Prize in 2015.

Yvonne Kennan was born in Dublin and currently resides in Belfast as a studio member of Orchid Studios. Yvonne was awarded a distinction from the University of Ulster upon completion of the MFA 2009 and studied Fine Art at Limerick School of Art and Design. Yvonnes practice encompasses drawing, painting, collage, photography and assemblage. Yvonne has exhibited in various solo and group shows throughout Ireland.


'A Conversation Ensued, Nobody Said A Word' is generously sponsored by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland and Belfast City Council