Belfast Exposed


5th Sep - 28th Sep

We Love Dogs!

Open Submission - Call for work.Celebrate your four-legged furry friends with us by sending in high quality photographs o...

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4th Jul - 24th Aug


Belfast Exposed will play host to a specially commissioned exhibition by the Queer Artist Forum, a group of local lens-based ...

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25th Sep - 7th Oct

Young People Behind the Lens

Over the summer, a group of young people from Start 360 explored the cityscape of Belfast. They found new ways to see the...

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21st May - 22nd May

Showing the faces of dementia with Alzheimer’s NI

Ahead of the Alzheimer’s Society Annual Conference 2019 (ASAC19), Belfast Exposed was commissioned by Alzheimer’s NI to w...

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Gallery 1

2nd May 2002 to 6th May 2002

About The Exhibition

In 2002 Belfast Exposed commissioned a sequence of colour portraits of bus workers, one of its contributions to the Routes project, a series of arts activities and events documenting the experience of people employed in Northern Ireland's bus industry over the past thirty years.

To the credit of people right across the North, a common public transport system was maintained even at the height of the conflict, but delivering an integrated service to an increasingly divided society meant bus workers often found themselves at the front line.

Four years on from the Good Friday Agreement, in the face of continuing sectarian violence at flashpoint areas, and while many of the barriers between communities are solidifying, to the point of becoming commonplace, public transport workers continue to move people across geographical, class and sectarian boundaries.

The exhibition at Belfast Exposed took place in the context of a series of drama, film, oral history and visual arts events exploring related themes, at venues around Belfast during May. One of Ursula's images will be sited on a working bus travelling through the city.

Routes represents a creative partnership between artists, arts organisations, shop stewards and bus workers.

The Artists

Ursula Burke