Belfast Exposed


5th Sep - 19th Oct

It Is & I Am

It Is & I Am is a solo exhibition of new work by visual artist Emma Brennan. Incorporating a range of disciplines, the si...

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5th Sep - 21st Sep

Now & Then: Part III

A Sense of Place As part of Belfast Exposed's 40th-anniversary celebrations, we proudly present an exhibition that explores ...

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25th Sep - 7th Oct

Young People Behind the Lens

Over the summer, a group of young people from Start 360 explored the cityscape of Belfast. They found new ways to see the...

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21st May - 22nd May

Showing the faces of dementia with Alzheimer’s NI

Ahead of the Alzheimer’s Society Annual Conference 2019 (ASAC19), Belfast Exposed was commissioned by Alzheimer’s NI to w...

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The Truth is in the Soil

Gallery 2

3rd Mar 2022 to 21st May 2022

About The Exhibition

Belfast Exposed presents a solo photographic exhibition that showcases new photographic works by Futures Awardee, Ioanna Sakellaraki, ‘The Truth is in the Soil’. Sakellaraki’s body of work is compelling and intense as she explores grief and mourning rituals in today's Greek communities.

The Belfast Exposed Futures Awards support artists using photography to create new work and significantly develop their practice. Through curatorial and mentorship in career development, the awards particularly seek to encourage new approaches to photography.

Sparked by her father’s death, her own grieving process became the lens through which to successfully look into the collective mourning in Greek society, the intersection of ancestral rituals, private trauma and passage of time. The beautiful photography brings the viewer in limbo between the real and the imaginary, having us look into the void of separation and loss. Inspired by the ancient Greek laments, Ioanna dwelled within traditional communities of the last female mourners inhabiting the mani peninsula looking for traces of bereavement and grief. For the first time, her long-term exploration on grief The Truth is in the Soil, followed by her most recent work The Interval of Unreason come together to untangle the remaking that surviving loss entails as her practice continues to investigate the relationship between memory, death and fiction. The series highlights the performative and fictive aspects of the work of mourning. Ioanna says

“In the wake of witnessing loss globally within our cultures and civilisations, I want to stimulate the viewer to rethink mortality through this imagined path of departure onto a new landscape. The Truth is in the Soil, reflects on how my personal story has transformed into a collective narrative of loss aiming at contributing to the collection of tales of human struggle for meaning. To me, these images work as vehicles for mourning perished ideals of vitality, prosperity and belonging, attempting to tell something further than their subjects by creating a space where death can exist.” - Ioanna Sakellaraki

The Truth is in the Soil, Ioanna's first monograph has been published by GOST Books into a hardback clothbound book which will be available from Belfast Exposed during a pre-launch event before its official launch by GOST Books in April 2022. For more information on the book, click here.

For Ioanna's Artist Profile where Ioanna talks about her artistic practice and her experience in the Future's programme, you can watch here.

For more information on Ioanna's visit her website here.


The Artists

Ioanna Sakellaraki

Artist Biography

Ioanna Sakellaraki (b.1989) is a Greek visual artist and researcher. Her work investigates the relationship between collective cultural memory and fiction. Drawing emphasis on the photographic object, process and encounter, she explores the boundaries of a primitive, yet futuristic vision of places and people. She was recently awarded a Doctoral Scholarship for undertaking her PhD in Art after graduating from an MA Photography from the Royal College of Art. She is the recipient of The Royal Photographic Society Bursary Award 2018 and was named Student Photographer of the Year by Sony World Photography Awards 2020. In 2019, she was awarded with the Reminders Photography Stronghold Grant in Tokyo and the International Photography Grant Creative Prize. Nominations include: the Inge Morath Award by Magnum Foundation in USA, the Prix HSBC, the Prix Levallois and the Prix Voies Off in France. Her work has been exhibited internationally in art festivals and galleries with a recent solo show at the European Month of Photography in Berlin. Her projects have been featured in magazines such as The New Yorker and journals including The Guardian and Deutsche Welle. She has been invited as a guest speaker in the Martin Parr Foundation and the London Institute of Photography.


Exhibition Opening

Thursday 3rd March | 6:00pm - 9:00pm | Belfast Exposed

Artist Talk and Book Launch

Friday 4th March | 1pm | Belfast Exposed



'The Truth is in the Soil' is generously sponsored by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland and funded by Belfast City Council.

The Truth is in the Soil has been supported by The Royal Photographic Society Bursary Award 2018 and the Sony World Photography Awards 2020

The Interval of Unreason has been supported by the Arts Council UK through the Developing your Creative Practice Grant 2021

The exhibition has been curated by Francesca Marcaccio Hitzeman, independent curator and art writer currently based in Hong Kong