Belfast Exposed


5th Sep - 28th Sep

We Love Dogs!

Open Submission - Call for work.Celebrate your four-legged furry friends with us by sending in high quality photographs o...

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4th Jul - 24th Aug


Belfast Exposed will play host to a specially commissioned exhibition by the Queer Artist Forum, a group of local lens-based ...

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25th Sep - 7th Oct

Young People Behind the Lens

Over the summer, a group of young people from Start 360 explored the cityscape of Belfast. They found new ways to see the...

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21st May - 22nd May

Showing the faces of dementia with Alzheimer’s NI

Ahead of the Alzheimer’s Society Annual Conference 2019 (ASAC19), Belfast Exposed was commissioned by Alzheimer’s NI to w...

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‘Well-being Through Photography’ Programme

Posted on: 5th May 2020

Staff Engagement ‘Well-Being Through Photography’ Programme. Staff health and well-being support for businesses will:

  • Support your staff though this challenging time.
  • Reward staff with fun creative photographic activities that will provide up-skilling and support their mental health & well-being, while improving team building and cohesion.
  • Provide a 6-week course with 1 on-1 online live sessions and weekly assigned tasks.
  • Cater for all levels of experience as no photographic experience is necessary.
  • Include up to 10 participants per group, however, we can also work with staff on a one-to-one basis.
  • Two packages available that can be tailored to meet staff needs.
  • Ability to extend the programme if required.
  • Staff images will form part of an exhibition in Belfast Exposed’s gallery with a preview evening open for friends, family and staff colleagues.

Staff Engagement ‘Well-Being Through Photography’ Package

Belfast Exposed ‘Well-Being Through Photography’ packages have been designed to work with your business to support your staff working from home. These are challenging times with Northern Ireland experiencing a different type of trauma that is anticipated to have lasting impacts, therefore, anything we can do to support employee’s mental health & well-being through fun & creative activities is a positive action.

This programme embraces the NHS recommended 5 steps of well-being Connect, Be Active, Keep Learning, Give to Others and Be Mindful. It also makes use of photography to disrupt negative thoughts and utilises it as a distraction instilling a coping mechanism that inherently develops strategies to manage the current struggles your staff are experiencing.
The very nature of being involved in the programme will bring positive experiences, build confidence, lift spirits and of course provides new and innovative ways of staff expressing themselves.

This programme will get staff to explore their home environment & incorporate self-identity that will subtly develop resilience and healing mechanisms through building on personal strengths and support team cohesion.

The great thing about this programme is it can be adapted to an individual’s needs and resources. Staff don’t need hi-tech cameras (although if they do have their own cameras, that’s great) they can just use the cameras on their phones, tablets etc. They do not need to have any photography experience to be involved in the programmes. Where staff require one-to-one support to guide them through the programme, this is available also.

Structure of Staff Engagement ‘Well-Being Through Photography’

  1. Participants will engage in weekly online training sessions for a six-week period managed via Zoom (or Skype, Google Hangout etc.) Sessions will inform, inspire and engage. All tutors delivering the programmes are experts in the field of photography training and have experience of working with novices and experienced professionals.
  2. The concept is driven by fun so staff will set unusual weekly tasks which they might not expect, but all are achievable. (we don’t want to give too much away as it would ruin the surprises). They will engage with a range of artistic artforms including music, literature, poetry, visual arts etc.
  3. Staff will use camera phones, tablets, cameras etc. They will learn new unique approaches and techniques to taking photographs that will enhance their creativity both in their work lives and personal use.
  4. There will be downloadable activity sheets made available to inspire and support the delivery of the programme.
  5. Participants will have free access to activity/training videos in association with the programme.
  6. A selection of work from each of your staff who participates in the programme will be included in an exhibition in Belfast Exposed gallery with a drinks reception open to family, friends and work colleagues.
  7. Each session will last one hour, with a time slot of your choice between 10am and 5pm, including lunchtime, Monday to Friday. To book a session contact Conor at:



If you are interested in booking a ‘Well-being Through Photography’ package, or have any questions, please contact Conor at